Sunday, May 24, 2020
The History Of The American Flag - 1557 Words
The History of The American Flag In this paper I am going to talk about the history of the American Flag and what makes it uniquely American. There are many reasons why the flag is uniquely American, one being that it is the American Flag. I am going to cover a lot of important facts about the flags history all the way to the present day flag. Ill cover the process of creating the flag and much more. The flag of the United States of American, also known as the American flag, is the national flag of the United States. The flag consists of thirteen equal stripes, starting with red and alternating with white. In the upper left corner the flag has a blue rectangle with fifty small, white, five-point stars. The stars are arranged in nine†¦show more content†¦While it is true that Ross sewed many American flags throughout her life, there is no evidence to support the claims of her descendant’s that she did in fact create the first American Flag at the request of George Washington. In 1794, the Flag Act authorized a new 15-star and 15-stripe flag. This went into effect on May 1st, 1795, and the Star Spangled Banner became the new official flag of the United States. The two additional stars and stripes were added to the original design in order to represent the admission of Vermont in 1791 and Kentucky in 1792. This edition of the American Flag is known as the Star Spangled Banner because it was the actual flag that flew over Fort McHenry and served as the inspiration for Francis Scott Key’s song that would become the national anthem, â€Å"Star Spangled Banner†, of The United States of America. The Act of April 4th, 1818 presented a new policy that provided for a constant of 13 stripes on all American Flags and one star for each state. The act stated that the flag would be officially modified on the 4th of July following the admission of each new state. This edition of the flag added five new stars for the admission of the new states including: Tennessee (1796), Ohio (1803), Louisiana (1812), Indiana (1816), and Mississippi (1817). The1819 flag had 21 stars and 13 stripes. A star was added for the state of Illinois, which was admitted to the United States of American on
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Industrialization And Social Change During World War II
Since the founding of the founding of the United States in 1776, American law enforcement has evolved significantly. As the US developed and changed, the criminal justice system changed and experienced different focuses in operation. Since the first public police organization was founded in 1844 to today with 90% of all American of municipalities with a population of 2,500 or more having their own police forces, the US policing complex has seen many changes (Eskridge 81). Urbanization and social change have greatly impacted policing. Starting in World War II the US populous has steadily shifted from rural to urban areas. In response to this change the percentage of police officers employed in urban areas rose from 68% in 1977 to 82% in 1982 (Eskridge 81). Not only has the locational focus changed for policing, but changes in professionalism and technology have also impacted how police departments operate. The number of law enforcement training academies has grown exceptionally and t oday nearly all police departments use computers compared to only one in 1964 (Eskridge 82). These dramatic changes that police departments have encountered not only represent the evolution of policing but also the evolution of the democratic state. Law enforcement has seen its focus change throughout its evolution, currently there are five primary functions of policing: emergency arm of the community, gatekeepers, awareness agents, mediators, and moral censors (Eskridge 83). These functionsShow MoreRelatedIndustrialization Expansion in Russia and Japan Essay1050 Words  | 5 Pagesimmediately outclassed by the British in trade and military strength. Industrialization made good use of the natural resources in a state. Some nations industrialized a while after Great Britain and were falling behind. Two of these states were Russia and Japan. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Reasons Why the Us Entered Wwi Free Essays
De Lorenzo 1 James De Lorenzo Mr. Misurelli U. S History II B 3 March 2013 The Reasons why the US Entered WWI The First World War erupted on the 28th of July, 1914 with the assassination of the Austrian Archduke. We will write a custom essay sample on The Reasons Why the Us Entered Wwi or any similar topic only for you Order Now This horrific war finally ended on November 11th, 1918. The United States didn’t officially enter the war until April 6th, 1917. The US entered during the middle of the war and endured the bloody conflict to the very end. Woodrow Wilson, the president of the US during WWI, struggled with the choice of having the United States enter the war or not. Woodrow Wilson, as well as Congress, wanted the United States to remain neutral throughout the war and stay out of European affairs. After all, the US is 3,000 miles away and involving itself in the agonizing total war could be very costly. The United States really had no choice, I feel that they did it to them self. If the United States never try to sending weapons, medical supplies, and money to Britain and France. They stayed truly neutral they would never join Word War 1. The Americans had no idea that war was imminent in the summer of 1914. Under Presidential Control, Wood Wilson wanted the United States to stay neutral. Public opinion went along with neutrality at first. Neutrality was strongly among the Irish Americans, German Americans, and Swedish Americans, as well as many farmers especially in the South, and church leaders and women. German atrocities in Belgium De Lorenzo 2 and the RMS Lusitania, partly as German- Americans lost influence, and partly in response to Wilson’s position that America had to play a role to make the world safe for democracy. (www. boundless. com) The sinking of the Lusitania heightened tensions between the U. S. and Germany and helped sway American opinion in favor of joining the war. The first big incident that happen to the United States to join World War 1 was the sinking of the RMS Lusitania. The Lusitania was a British ocean liner that had 120 Americans on bored. On May 1, 1915, the Lusitania left port in New York for Liverpool to make her 202nd trip across the Atlantic. (http://history1900s. about. com) Since The World War 1 had started it was very dangerous for ships to get to Europe. Each side would try to blockade each other to prevent war supplies to reaching the enemy. German U-boats stalked British waters they continually looking for enemy ships holding war supplies to sink. May 7, 1915, Captain William Thomas Turner slowed the Lusitania down because of fog. 14 miles off the coast of Southern Ireland at Old Head of Kinsale, neither the captain nor any of his crew realized that the German U-boat, U-20, had already spotted and targeted them (http://history1900s. about. com) The U-boat fired a torpedo and hit the starboard side of the Lusitania. The Lusitania sunk within 18 minutes. 1,959 people on board, 1,198 died, the toll of civilians killed in this disaster shocked the world. The Americas were outraged that 120 Americas had died. The final incident that happen to the United States to join The World War 1 was The Zimmermann Telegram. In 1916 Woodrow Wilson was elected President for a second term, because of the slogan â€Å"He kept us out of war. †Events in the De Lorenzo 3 early 1917 would change the hope of Americans staying out of the war. On January of 1917, British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause. http://www. archives. gov). British waited until February 24 to present the telegram to Woodrow Wilson. The United States press published news of the telegram on March 1. The public opinion changed that day people wanted to go to war and stop Germany. At first Wilson tried to maintain neutrality while fighting off the submarines. The U-boats sank seven us ships after then President Wilson called congress to vote declaration of war on Germany, which Congress voted on 6 April 1917. The vote was passed and the United State had entered World War 1. The United States home front had very little planning to go to war with Germany. Entire population of the United States to produces the soldiers, food supplies, and money needed to win the war. The United States government set 500,000 to 1,000,000 new employees to bring together the expertise necessary to redirect the economy into the production for war supplies and food necessary for the war. The Food Administration lead by Herbert Hoover made a massive campaign to teach Americans to economize on their food budgets, so the government could send food to their troops. Propaganda was very big in the news rooms in the United States. They often lied about what was going on in the west about Germany to get young men to sign                               `                                                                                                                  De Lorenzo 4 up for the Military. Children had a big role in helping troops across seas, the Boy Scouts of America helped distribute war pamphlets, helped sell war bonds, and helped to drive nationalism and support for the war. The United States had a small army, after the passage of the Selective Service Act it drafted 2. 8 million men and by summer 1918 was sending 10,000 fresh soldiers to France every day. The United States Navy sent a battleship group to join with the British Grand Fleet to Queenstown Ireland and submarines to help guard ships with imported goods and war supplies. On the battlefields United States troops kept coming and Germany were unable to replace their losses. Victory over Germany was achieved on November 11, 1918 after German morale had collapsed on both the Western and Home Fronts. After the war Britain, France and Italy inputted hard economic penalties on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. The United States Senate did not sign the Treaty of Versailles, they felt that Britain, France and Italy were being too hard on Germany. The United States signed separate peace treaties with Germany and its allies. Senate also rejected to enter the newly created League of Nations on Wilson’s terms. How to cite The Reasons Why the Us Entered Wwi, Essay examples
The Reasons Why the Us Entered Wwi Free Essays
De Lorenzo 1 James De Lorenzo Mr. Misurelli U. S History II B 3 March 2013 The Reasons why the US Entered WWI The First World War erupted on the 28th of July, 1914 with the assassination of the Austrian Archduke. We will write a custom essay sample on The Reasons Why the Us Entered Wwi or any similar topic only for you Order Now This horrific war finally ended on November 11th, 1918. The United States didn’t officially enter the war until April 6th, 1917. The US entered during the middle of the war and endured the bloody conflict to the very end. Woodrow Wilson, the president of the US during WWI, struggled with the choice of having the United States enter the war or not. Woodrow Wilson, as well as Congress, wanted the United States to remain neutral throughout the war and stay out of European affairs. After all, the US is 3,000 miles away and involving itself in the agonizing total war could be very costly. The United States really had no choice, I feel that they did it to them self. If the United States never try to sending weapons, medical supplies, and money to Britain and France. They stayed truly neutral they would never join Word War 1. The Americans had no idea that war was imminent in the summer of 1914. Under Presidential Control, Wood Wilson wanted the United States to stay neutral. Public opinion went along with neutrality at first. Neutrality was strongly among the Irish Americans, German Americans, and Swedish Americans, as well as many farmers especially in the South, and church leaders and women. German atrocities in Belgium De Lorenzo 2 and the RMS Lusitania, partly as German- Americans lost influence, and partly in response to Wilson’s position that America had to play a role to make the world safe for democracy. (www. boundless. com) The sinking of the Lusitania heightened tensions between the U. S. and Germany and helped sway American opinion in favor of joining the war. The first big incident that happen to the United States to join World War 1 was the sinking of the RMS Lusitania. The Lusitania was a British ocean liner that had 120 Americans on bored. On May 1, 1915, the Lusitania left port in New York for Liverpool to make her 202nd trip across the Atlantic. (http://history1900s. about. com) Since The World War 1 had started it was very dangerous for ships to get to Europe. Each side would try to blockade each other to prevent war supplies to reaching the enemy. German U-boats stalked British waters they continually looking for enemy ships holding war supplies to sink. May 7, 1915, Captain William Thomas Turner slowed the Lusitania down because of fog. 14 miles off the coast of Southern Ireland at Old Head of Kinsale, neither the captain nor any of his crew realized that the German U-boat, U-20, had already spotted and targeted them (http://history1900s. about. com) The U-boat fired a torpedo and hit the starboard side of the Lusitania. The Lusitania sunk within 18 minutes. 1,959 people on board, 1,198 died, the toll of civilians killed in this disaster shocked the world. The Americas were outraged that 120 Americas had died. The final incident that happen to the United States to join The World War 1 was The Zimmermann Telegram. In 1916 Woodrow Wilson was elected President for a second term, because of the slogan â€Å"He kept us out of war. †Events in the De Lorenzo 3 early 1917 would change the hope of Americans staying out of the war. On January of 1917, British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause. http://www. archives. gov). British waited until February 24 to present the telegram to Woodrow Wilson. The United States press published news of the telegram on March 1. The public opinion changed that day people wanted to go to war and stop Germany. At first Wilson tried to maintain neutrality while fighting off the submarines. The U-boats sank seven us ships after then President Wilson called congress to vote declaration of war on Germany, which Congress voted on 6 April 1917. The vote was passed and the United State had entered World War 1. The United States home front had very little planning to go to war with Germany. Entire population of the United States to produces the soldiers, food supplies, and money needed to win the war. The United States government set 500,000 to 1,000,000 new employees to bring together the expertise necessary to redirect the economy into the production for war supplies and food necessary for the war. The Food Administration lead by Herbert Hoover made a massive campaign to teach Americans to economize on their food budgets, so the government could send food to their troops. Propaganda was very big in the news rooms in the United States. They often lied about what was going on in the west about Germany to get young men to sign                               `                                                                                                                  De Lorenzo 4 up for the Military. Children had a big role in helping troops across seas, the Boy Scouts of America helped distribute war pamphlets, helped sell war bonds, and helped to drive nationalism and support for the war. The United States had a small army, after the passage of the Selective Service Act it drafted 2. 8 million men and by summer 1918 was sending 10,000 fresh soldiers to France every day. The United States Navy sent a battleship group to join with the British Grand Fleet to Queenstown Ireland and submarines to help guard ships with imported goods and war supplies. On the battlefields United States troops kept coming and Germany were unable to replace their losses. Victory over Germany was achieved on November 11, 1918 after German morale had collapsed on both the Western and Home Fronts. After the war Britain, France and Italy inputted hard economic penalties on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. The United States Senate did not sign the Treaty of Versailles, they felt that Britain, France and Italy were being too hard on Germany. The United States signed separate peace treaties with Germany and its allies. Senate also rejected to enter the newly created League of Nations on Wilson’s terms. How to cite The Reasons Why the Us Entered Wwi, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Personal Statement Request for a Letter of Recommendation Essay Example For Students
Personal Statement Request for a Letter of Recommendation Essay I am Jon Christopher Rodrigues, 18 years of age, Native American and I am currently enrolled in Arroyo Valley High School. I consider myself an elated person but tend to maintain a serious attitude when I am in a need to get situations done. A couple of things that makes me happy are making people smile, and working hard. I come from a family of four older brothers and three older sisters. My mother has been together with my father Toby Rodriguez for 25 years but unfortunately, my father had passed away when I was only six years old. It was a rough time for me, because I was only in kindergarten at the time and I still needed his guidance and motivation to focus in school. Even though my relationship with my family is great, its not the same without my dad and I still need that father figure in my life. My mother came along and helped shape me into a straight A student, and taught me the values to become a successful individual. Im the type of person who looks out for people in their time of need; who thinks about others before myself, and who loves to give rather than receive. Im a christian, so I was taught to love one another, treat everyone equally with respect and to be grateful for everything that life has given me. Im grateful for education because it opens new opportunities for me. I have taken AP classes, college prep classes, and honors classes in high school and my overall G. P. A is a 4. 0 from freshman year to senior year. I took four years of Honors Science, Business and History because those three subjects are my all time favorite subjects in education. I also love to debate, so I joined Mock Trial for a year but unfortunately, they didnt offer mock trial when I started high school only my junior year. In my after school activities, I like running for the cross country team, the track team, getting a job through the schools internship program and babysitting. I have been active in my sports, Cross Country and Track, for four years as varsity and made the captain position this year. I feel very accomplished and honored for all the commitment and dedication I put into the team. It was an honor to be chosen for a job from the school district (SBCUSD) and giving me a job to the school districts Catering Department and it was a great experience. After high school, I want to pursue my major in Criminal Justice of Science, the perfect career for me because I love to learn about the body of how it works, and how it communicates on a daily basis. In my physiology Science class I would always volunteer to dissect a cat because I love to see the anatomy of the body in depth like every detail of each structure to see how it each part works. This is a reminder that I need the letter of recommendation by November 8th. I would like to thank you for having the time to read my request for a letter of recommendation.
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